"Charta von Turin", FIVA Handbook veröffentlicht.

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Registriert: Montag, 30. Juli 2012, 16:29:23
Wohnort: Rosenheim

"Charta von Turin", FIVA Handbook veröffentlicht.

Beitrag: # 4361Beitrag gentleman-driver »

Das Handbuch zur Charta von Turin

Vor 5 Jahren hat der Oldtimer-Weltverband FIVA (Fédération Internationale
des Véhicules Anciens) die Charta von Turin verabschiedet mit dem Ziel,
historische Kraftfahrzeuge in den Rang geschützten Kulturguts zu erheben.

Die praktische Anwendung, dieser Richtlinien, erläutert nun das 120 Seiten
starke: "Charter of Turin Handbook".

Hier der Text der FIVA Seite:

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FIVA (the Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens, or international federation of historic vehicles) has produced a guide for all those who choose to purchase, preserve and use a historic vehicle.
Titled the ‘Charter of Turin Handbook’, the guide looks first at historic vehicles as cultural artefacts, arguing that we need to appreciate such machines in a new way. Given the impact of automobiles on our lifestyles and the radical changes they brought to our lives in a very short space of time, historic vehicles should “no longer be seen just as a hobby, a toy for grown-up boys, but rather a part of the cultural heritage of our civilization”.
The Handbook then goes on to offer practical advice on the delicate subject of the restoration and maintenance of historic machines, suggesting how owners and enthusiasts might stay true to the principles of the ‘Charter of Turin’ – a landmark document recognised worldwide by organisations such as UNESCO, the EU and the FIA, that presents a voluntary protocol on the preservation and use of historic vehicles.
More about the Handbook here: http://www.fiva.org/?p=6365


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